Friday, September 3, 2010

Reckless Rage Against the Machine — Emerging Corruption

Reckless Rage Against the Machine

- By Erik Rush

As enigmatic as Barack Hussein Obama appears to so many Americans, whether because he has been so profoundly misrepresented by propagandists, or because their experience precludes their possessing the necessary insight, the man behind the curtain is really quite ordinary. If one considers him in light of his peers – Marxist revolutionaries – he becomes even more commonplace.

I happen to have been born in the same year as our president. I remember being a youth and a young man, and hearing acerbic white socialists and raggedy black nationalists excoriate Richard Nixon, the government, the military-industrial complex, alternately lionizing Marxist leaders, how they "had it together," and how much more just and equitable a place the world would be if we just dispensed with capitalists and their greed.

While I suppose I merely took it in, dismissing it later on for the con that it was, some of my age group gazed starry-eyed, listening to the oratory of these urban and suburban malcontents, romanticizing about the day they would take up the mantle and carry on the fight.

This is fairly typical of far left ideologues of Obama's age, as well as the older, aging hippie variety (i.e., the President's longtime associate and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers). Some of the latter were actually Obama's mentors, and some now serve in advisory capacities in his administration, as well as with ancillary affiliated groups such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

With very few exceptions, such people have been spoiled middle to upper-middle class kids. Theirs is a perpetual juvenile rebellion against authority, likely starting with their parents. I don't have to be a psychologist to make these claims; they've been made by quite a few credentialed individuals.

Obama, who spent his early life as a rootless but nonetheless well cared-for youth, is certainly not alone in advancing his Marxist designs. As I and other commentators have been asserting for some time, he is merely the point man for a plan that has been between 50 and 100 years in the making, depending upon who you talk to. He simply came along at the right time. The aforementioned ACORN and SEIU however, were expressly conceived with the downfall of the American system in mind.

The most recent push comes from within the camp of billionaire George Soros. This creature, who began his political escapades as a Nazi collaborator in his native Hungary, is no less than a James Bondian evil genius who apparently gets some sort of vicarious tingle from ruining national currencies, and toying with the social fabric of civilization at large. He has made no secret of the fact that he wishes to bring America down a few notches, establishing a socialist "open society" that will facilitate handy control of the masses via supplanting God with the State and enrolling the populace into material dependency and hedonism. Upward mobility will become a thing of the past, as it was in the days of European monarchies; an oligarchical ruling class will occupy the niche of the uber-rich in perpetuity.

Amazing how so many of these socialist power players are people who've already established their fortunes, isn't it?

But I digress. The commonality between all of these Marxist-socialist types, of course, is what is often later (after their regimes collapse) classified as manifest insanity, whether it be brought on by megalomania, malignant narcissism, heavy drug use, or a combination thereof . Soros, of course, being either a self-hating or tortured and guilty Jew, might be so twisted in his thinking that he'd just like to see the world burn.

As confident as people like Soros and Obama appear, it is difficult for Americans to come away with the impression that they would allow circumstances to deteriorate into the realm of the surreal. Events like those that unfolded in Greece, for example, with rioting over government austerity measures, are not considered. Certainly anything more severe – such as ethnic cleansing campaigns as experienced in eastern Europe or Rwanda during recent decades – are completely outside their ability to conceptualize.

Things could easily get out of their control, however, giving rise to any number or variety of mass atrocities. I have stated that the Obama administration believes it would benefit from a certain degree of mayhem, but they do not envision it growing beyond the scope of their ability to manage. Certainly Obama himself, who is dangerously narcissistic, does not consider such a scenario, given the power of the presidency behind him.

The problem here is that we have never before had a president who was as operationally reckless. All of our previous presidents, whether one admired or despised them, possessed a healthy respect for the office – and for the fragile nature of civilization and volatility of geopolitics.

But revolutionaries, while being very adept at tearing things down, have never been any good at maintaining or rebuilding them. History also illustrates many examples of those whose utopian fantasies ignited catastrophes that did indeed exceed the scope of their ability to manage.

The revolution is already under weigh. Aside from attempting to redirect it onto a more constructive and peaceful path, all freedom-loving Americans can do is pray – while prayer is still legal.

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